Spiderman.exe Venom Returns.

I sit here, headless. I feel the wind from my window brush past my oozing wound, and by that I mean past my neck which no longer has a head attatched to it. I look outside my window, it's raining. Then suddenly the rain turns black, The fuck? A evil looking face pops out, it's venom! "Ssss what a mess..Sss" hissed venom. All I could do was stare as I felt my vocal cords bleed. Why don't I help you out?
He puts his black goo ridden arm around my neck, he then proceeds to grab my head and mend it back on. Also, he was able to mend my vocal cords and lungs aswell which is nice. He rips down my Spiderman poster. All I could do was shout "NO!". He punches me in the face so hard my head could've of slipped of again. "Sss Shut the fuck up" he hissed again, "We need to find Spiderman, and kill him!". I remember getting punched in the nuts, fuck man. That hurt. I plan to go ahead and kill spiderman, the only man I loved. He betrayed me, it was just a game. But he took it too far.
We catch a flight to New York City and arrive at Spidermans apartment. "Oh, hello again" Spiderman said in a king voice, "What do you want". Venom pumbles Spiderman to the ground and trys to suffocate him. Spiderman reaches for Venoms balls but remembers that, venom is a fucking alien and doesn't have nuts. I couldn't take it anymore.
I run up and grab Spiderman's web shooters, I shoot the web fluid that tastes strangely like cum, right into venoms face. He is blinded and I punch him in the face. Spiderman gets up and grabs a shotgun, with one shot right into the face, Venom is dead. "Thanks for the help, but.. You still tried to kill me FUCKER!". Spiderman yells. His skin bursts open, but his suit still stays attached to his now teared skin. His eyes roll back into the back of his head and blood trickles down from his eyes and his vagina.
He grabs my neck and chucks me out the window, I go fucking flying. I'm shitting my pants right now. I land right in the middle of times square. My head got smashed, my brains smooshed all over the pavement. Spiderman swings after me. He sits on my dead body, pulls down his face and takes a big shit, right on my back. I hear his pain, It must be really bad because blood trickles from his butthole and on his shit.
Im so done. Fuck Spiderman, I'm going to go read some Batman comics instead. Stupid fucking spiderman.